- +27 (0) 84 549 4182
- info@samaritansfeet.co.za
Millions of children die every year from foot-borne diseases. Shoes are required for prevention and protection. Join Samaritan’s Feet today and help us eliminate this epidemic, while making the world a better place.
Please help us to plan effectively : We can only plan future distributions of shoes if we have sufficient funds. By donating per debit order, you are helping us to plan more effectively.
The reference number on the bank statement will always start with MULTID FOR SFEET plus your unique reference number.
+27 (0) 84 549 4182
85 Dawn Crescent, De Wijnlanden Estate, Stellenbosch, 7600
NPO no: 132-580
B-BBEE Level 1
Trust No IT0065/10
PBO no: Ref no.